Permanent recruitment – invaluable support in recruitment

If we were to describe in one sentence what permanent recruitment is, we would say that it is simply the preparation of a recruitment process for a specific position in your organisation with a guarantee of satisfaction. That is all there is to it. So why is permanent recruitment so popular?

Our experience is your advantage

As specialists with long years of expertise in recruitment, we know perfectly well what candidate qualities to pay attention to. All we need to complete the picture are your requirements and resources. We match the candidate profile to the model thus prepared. All you need to do is choose which desk they will sit at.

A definite advantage for our partners using the permanent recruitment service is the safeguarding of internal processes. Unlike typical outsourcing, where we prepare the entire team working on your project, in this case we do not get involved in the creative process. However, we secure specialists for individual positions and ensure their continued employment. This is particularly important in key sectors where smooth operation drives further progress. 

Permanent recruitment is like a journey

Permanent recruitment is based on making the recruitment process as short as possible. We are like a guide who knows the city perfectly. We show you the most beautiful sights, but also places that rarely appear in guidebooks. Of course, we are convinced that you would manage perfectly well with the help of a map. However, our role is to make every step a pleasure – your satisfaction with your journey is key for us.

We package your needs well

Finally, with permanent recruitment you are in control of the entire recruitment process. You can choose the form of employment, responsibilities, specific skills or character traits of your potential employee. Our job is then to bring it all together in an attractive whole so that candidates are interested in the offer.

Case study

Digital Transformation
Deutsche Bank Polska

Usługa polegająca na selekcji, rekrutacji i oddelegowaniu na określony czas przez IT LeasingTeam specjalistów IT do realizacji projektów w siedzibie klienta. Usługa polegająca na selekcji, rekrutacji i oddelegowaniu na określony czas.
